Tri Rated Cables

Tri-Rated cable (also known as BS6231 control panel wire or switchgear cable) is a fire retardant cable used in electrical cabinets, switch control, relay and instrumentation panels of power switchgear. It derives its name from meeting the specifications of three separate standard-setting bodies – the British Standards Institute (BSi), the Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL) Appliance Wiring Materials (AWM), and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) – hence making it tri-rated. This product’s triple rating makes it highly sought-after around the world as the triple certification of these cables enables their use in the North American markets as well as the European ones, which can result in a leaner and more flexible equipment manufacturing process. These cables are referred to as H05V2-K and H07V2-K under their European harmonisation (HAR) designation code.

As a flexible (Class 5) high temperature, flame-retardant single core cable with a single layer of insulation of heat resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC), tri-rated cable is designed and manufactured to be used in the wiring of electrical cabinets, switch control, relay and instrumentation panels of power switchgear, and for internal connectors in rectifier equipment, motor starters and controllers. It is also designed for use inside small electrical devices. As a result, tri-rated cable has applications in most industries.

BlueChip is a leading tri-rated cable supplier offering one of the most comprehensive ranges of sizes and colours in the industry. Our BS, CSA and UL-approved tri-rated cable is widely used by leading switchgear equipment manufacturers, and it features on some of the most prestigious lists of approved control panel wire and switchgear cable worldwide. Our tri-rated cable also BASEC approved.


Conductor:consists of plain copper, with a class 5 flexibility (cables are classified to indicate the degree of flexibility. Class 5 refers to flexible copper conductors as stipulated by British Standard BS EN 60228:2005)
Insulation:Heat Resistant Polyvinyl Chloride (HR PVC) insulation holds the conductor in place and provides protection from external stresses. Trirated cable is manufactured in a wide variety of insulation colours, including brown, orange, yellow, pink, and dark blue